Welcome to my blog. I hope this inspires you to live your life to the full. Love much, laugh often and forgive. Indulge in your hobbies, treasure your friends and live in the now. P.S.Your comments are welcome.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

2 September 2006 - Jokes

Life is never dull for me,2 friends always send me jokes by email. Sometimes I get more than 10 a day form the two of them, and I have my daily jokes from Funnies.com. I can always find something to laugh. Life is too short to be miserable. There are always people who give you misery, but you have a choice how you want to respond. My card site is coming along, but even at this preliminary stage it looks quite good, for me, anyway. Click on the link on the right side and it will lead you to the card site. Enjoy!


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